Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution

On behalf of The Daniel Team, we want to wish our supporters a very happy, safe, and prosperous 2012!

While reading through my Facebook account, I saw one of my friends declare his New Year's resolution.

My Agenda for 2012: help produce two TV comedies and two feature films in the first three months; publish two collections of short stories (one in January, and the second sometime in the first three months] and two of my novels (within first six months); get my own first feature film into production by August 1; sell my first collaborative script in the first three months as well; (re-) launch three of my business' (Faramir Arts, Total Environment Associates [architecture], as well as my film production company Illuminous Productions, Ltd.

Wow! That's a lot of work! I hope and pray that he makes all his dreams come true.

The Daniel Team has only one resolution, to see the documentary come to reality. That's it.
Of course any one who is working on this film can attest to the fact that it takes a great effort to create a movie; from pre-production, to the shooting, and eventually to release and distribution.

How many of us create resolutions trying to improve our short comings? For The Daniel Documentary to come to reality several things has to happen.

1. We need to raise funds
2. We need to have a powerful 3D animation team
3. We need to have a great script
4. We need to have great actors
5. We need to find scholars and a great host
6. We need to find distribution and ways of selling.

Jack Canfield, author of 'The Chicken Soup for the Soul' books once declared that 'all you need to do to get from California to New York at night is to have headlights flash only 200 feet ahead of you.

What he really means, is to try to focus on the smaller steps while maintaining a vision for the future.

To make resolutions for the entire year is too broad, for anything can happen during the year, good or bad.One step at a time please. Go for immediate goals over resolution.

Philippians 3:14 say, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus". This verse tells us that goals must have a meaning. Losing weight is just a declaration. People who have dire life threatening situation lose weight faster than those who simply want to fit in old jeans they once wore in college.

For The Daniel Team, our immediate goal is raising money. We'll worry about the other things as time comes. Instead of focusing the glitz and the glamor of making movies, be it winning critical acclaim, or interviews on talk shows, as well as riding on limos to awards shows, our focus is the immediate task at hand. No accolades exist without the work.

Instead of declaring to lose 20 pounds this year, focus on eating right the next day.
Eat right, take a long walk the 'next day.' Then when the day ends, make a goal for the following day.

When looking too far ahead into the future or looking back in the past we lose sight of the present.

2012 should be a great year.  But before I can make that declaration, I will focus on January 1st.

Happy New Year,
Jim Hague,
The Daniel Team

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